Thursday, February 10, 2011

Lower Back Star Tattoos

 Stars are wonderful symbols with a great deal of positive meaning to them, and it is no wonder that lower back star tattoos are becoming so popular.
 This flat, smooth area is a great place to get tattoos and many people, mostly women, although some men have beautiful work done there, are taking advantage of it.

If you are interested in getting stars tattooed in this area there are a few things that you should be aware of.

First, think about what your stars mean to you.

Five pointed stars, also known as nautical stars, are quite popular for a number of different reasons.

Some people associate them with a military tradition, while other simply remember doodling them fondly on class notebooks.

The eight pointed star, on the other hand, has a great deal of significance for ancient Near Eastern cultures and you will often see its use on old temples.

Finally, symmetrical four pointed stars are also quite popular, though they tend to be used as accents to other designs. As you can see, there is a wide range of meaning for this particular symbol.

Lower back star tattoos don't have to conform to any configuration, but for this area, it often seems that symmetrical designs are more attractive than asymmetrical ones.

Use your spine as a center point and let the design flow out from there. If you prefer your stars off center, consider putting slanted to one side or the other on your hip.

Take a look online at galleries like and also take a look through the flash you can find at your local tattoo parlor. Remember that almost any design can be modified to suit you and that you should make sure that the design is as close to what you want as possible.

There are plenty of color variations available to you, and for the most part, you are only limited by your imagination.

Some people love stars in bold primary colors, while other people like to fill them up with a lovely mix of colors.

Before you start planning though, there are a few things to remember about skin tone.

People who have a larger amount of melanin in their skin usually have more trouble keeping the color of their tattoo or making show up as vividly. People with pale skin do not have this problem.

This is definitely something to take into account when you are considering designing your tattoo.

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